My 10 favorite lyrical songs at the moment

In June I went to Washington DC to watch Wagner's ring cycle. An epic opera about the downfall of the Gods, the nature of conflict and the various aspects of Love. It was a very well chosen time for them to put on the Opera as it was just a few months before the election. I love classical music, but I find myself listening to it less and less. And certainly there is no one currently composing classical music of any importance, except for movie scores. I think we can all agree that John Williams doesn’t hold a candle to The Beatles. Phillip Glass is an exception, and I’ll get to that when I write a corollary post about “Ambient” music. Rock and roll and other types of music such as noise rock and hippie music are like the spontaneous songs of farmers, blue collar workers, and unemployed anarchists. Classical music is or was the music of aristocracy, religion, and royalty, and in the case of movies, nationalistic propoganda. It represents elitism whereas rock and roll is the passionate voice of free people. Rock and roll is what moves me the most, not withstanding Beethoven's 9th, among a few others. The best rock and roll is poetic song on the order of Ginsburg and Whitman. 

As a side note, many of these songs lack a chorus or repetitive lyrics. I love when a good song does that. When there is a chorus, such as in So Far Away From Me, it’s to reinforce a deep truth.

Here are the top ten songs I am currently listening to, in no particular order.

World War II (Pt. 2) by Wax Fang, 2007
This is about the folly of war, and also a phenomenal interpretation of post 9/11 political and military actions. The band is composed of two people, but you would never guess that from their huge sound.

Holland 1945 by Neutral Milk Hotel, 1998
A song about Anne Frank. It takes some sort of deep buddhist insight to write a song with hope and energy about the Holocaust.

The Shadow by Baskery, 2014
I have my guess as to what this shadow they speak of is, but I do not think they are referring to God. “In Moscow skateboard parks kids practice in the dark soundtracks a distant bark, ball bearings purring endlessly the melodies out there flow through the atmosphere we sing along and share for all the common goals"

1979 by New Shack, 2016
This is a cover of the Smashing Pumpkins song. I love the Smashing Pumpkins but I think this cover is better. So calm and soothing. The song is about a young man coming to terms with a confusing world, which is what Billy Corgan has been doing. He’s doing the strangest things now, and unfortunately still seems confused. This song is like a Christian reinterpretation of a pagan ballad.

Wait by M83, 2011
I love M83 although some of their songs are embarrassing. However Anthony Gonzalez creates with emotion, which often comes across as infantile and naive. It’s hard for me to pick my favorite song of theirs but this one is different in that it is not rave music.

Out of my system by My Morning Jacket, 2011
This song speaks to me. I was a rebellious and confused young man. As I get older and understand how things work, I feel more of a common bond with my neighbors and friends.

So Far Away by Dire Straights, 1985
My sister introduced me to Dire Straights. She listened to this album on a road trip she took around the US when she was 18. Now she lives literally on the other side of the world from me. But the song is not necessarily about physical distance, but to me speaks to the difficulty we have in understanding other people who are different from us, say Man and Woman, or Republican and Democrat.

The Purple Bottle by Animal Collective, 2005
Animal Collective is a very unpredictable band, experimental you could say. This is my favorite song of theirs. A young confused man, trying to tap into his animal spirit while also thinking about his confusion.

Half Asleep by School of Seven Bells, 2009
This song could be sung in a Buddhist temple.

Monza by Hans Joachim Roedelius, ~ 1970
This song for me represents the transformation of Germany from Nazi to divided nation and now to a peaceful and wonderful place for unions and productive pursuits.
The song is in German so here are the lyrics in english:

Haha! Must sing together, yes!
Always up and down
Once on it and once underneath
Always back and forth
Cross and across, sometimes light, sometimes hard
Always up and down
Once on it and once underneath
Always back and forth
Cross and across, sometimes easy, sometimes hard
Hello Hello! Huhu!